50+ Years ofstinging insect control
The control of stinging insects such as wasps, hornets, and bees is of the utmost priority for homes and businesses in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. These insects cause severe reactions in people and stings cause intense pain and swelling. The control of wasps, hornets, and bees is best left in the hands of professionals as these insects are difficult to control and can be very aggressive. Don't risk your health trying to deal with these stinging insects alone.
Our technicians at Miss Phoebe's Pest & Termite Control are trained in insect biology and best control methods for wasps, bees, and hornets. Our technicians are also fully equipped with PPE (personal protective equipment) including bee masks and bee suits so our professionals stay protected throughout the service.
Call today and ask our qualified stinging insect control professionals to inspect your property: 214-357-7373
Wasps love to nest around the eaves and doors of homes and businesses and can become aggressive without notice. If you see wasp nests around your property, or see wasps flying but can't see a nest, call us out for a free inspection. You'll learn how our wasp elimination services can help, based on many factors:- Where the wasps are located- The species of wasp- The safest method- The most effective solution
Hornets are known for being very aggressive as well as packing a powerful sting. Hornets are territorial, and most hornets in the United States are actually European Hornets. If you see hornets, it is best to leave them be, avoid aggravating them, and call our hornet removal specialists. We are lucky to not have the dreaded "murder hornet" in Texas, yet our Dallas hornet control team is equipped and ready to tackle this troubling pest if it ever does arrive in our state.
Many people often refer to bees and wasps interchangeably. However, they could not be more different. Bees are interested almost exclusively in pollen and nectar from your plants, and they are adapted evolutionarily to use these specific plant parts for energy (nectar) and to provision their offspring (pollen plus nectar). Wasps, in contrast, are mostly predatory and visit your garden searching for small prey items like caterpillars, and occasionally take a drink of nectar from flowering plants.
When it comes to bees, it is always best to relocate. Honeybees are an extremely beneficial and important insect that should be respected and protected. Typically, relocation of honeybees is possible unless the bees have entered deep into a structure, in which case they will not be easy to relocate.
Bee control goes far beyond removal: If bees made a nest inside a structure, the honeycomb must be removedor it will go rancid, attracting more pests, and causing long-term damage. It's important to involve experienced bee control professionals who can handle all facets of the job completely and correctly.
The European honeybee is important in agriculture and nature, providing pollination for many valuable crops and wild plants. It is native to Asia and the Middle East and was introduced to North America by early European colonists. The Africanized Honeybee is the result of a mating between African bees and European honeybees. In 1956, a geneticist brought African queens to Brazil with the idea of developing a superior honeybee, one more suited to tropical conditions. Unfortunately, some of these bees were released near Sao Paulo, Brazil, and bred with wild European honeybees, resulting in "Africanized" offspring. They have spread across South America, Mexico, and now Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California.
In the late spring and early summer, homeowners often notice large, black bees hovering around the outside of their homes. These are often carpenter bees searching for mates and favorable sites to construct their nests. Male carpenter bees are quite aggressive, often hovering in front of people near the nest. Despite this behavior, they are quite harmless since they lack stingers. Female carpenter bees re able to inflict a painful sting but seldom will unless they are irritated. Carpenter bees resemble bumblebees, but the upper surface of their abdomen is bare and shiny black (bumblebees have a hairy abdomen with at least some yellow markings).
Bumblebee is the common name for large, hairy, usually black-and-yellow, social bees. They are found primarily in temperate regions of the northern hemisphere, often ranging farther north and higher in altitude than other bees. There are fifty species of bumblebee currently known in North America. Bumblebees are similar to their close relatives, the honey bees, in that their colonies are headed by a queen, who is the main egg-layer, and there are many workers, who are the daughters of the queen, and drones (males) are produced during the mating season. However, the colonies of bumblebees only survive during the warm season; new queens hibernate alone to begin a new colony in the spring.
The wasp is a common problem throughout the summer in many parts of the world. They are social insects that form colonies inside nests. Nests are often found in soil, under eaves, in roof spaces, and in trees.
Yellow jackets are predatory wasps identified by their distinctive markings, small size, occurrence only in colonies, and their rapid, side to side flight pattern prior to landing. All females are capable of stinging. Yellowjackets are important predators of pest insects that nest in protected areas like hollow logs, stumps, under bark, in soil cavities, and in structures. Larvae pupate, emerging later as small, infertile females called workers. The first adult workers assume the tasks of nest expansion, foraging, and colony defense.
Paper wasps are 3/4 to 1-inch long. These wasps gather fibers from dead wood and plant stems which they mix with saliva and use to construct water-resistant nests made of gray or brown papery material. The nests of most paper wasps are characterized by having open combs with cells for brood rearing, and a petiole, or constricted stalk, that anchors the nest. Paper wasps also secrete a chemical that repels ants, which the wasps spread around the base of the anchor to prevent the loss of their eggs and brood.